We're Giving Back to nature
Many woodlands, including ancient woodlands are being clear-felled in the name of progression. A few token trees can never replicate the intricate, symbiotic ecosystems that have taken hundreds of years to evolve, the HS2 project is a fine example of the sheer level of destruction that is taking place on our watch.

"Our native wildlife is under more pressure than ever before due to overdevelopment, habitat loss, climate change and the sanitisation of our green spaces."
"Our native wildlife is under more pressure than ever before due to overdevelopment, habitat loss, climate change and the sanitisation of our green spaces."

Lowest Coverage
The UK has one of the lowest percentages of woodland cover in Europe, standing at around 12%.

carbon dioxide
Woodlands also absorb huge amounts of carbon dioxide from our atmosphere, reducing our Carbon FootprintÂ

Local Economy
Woodlands play a huge roll in our economy providing sustainable timber, employment and leisure activities.

Woodlands not only absorb huge amounts of carbon dioxide from our atmosphere they are home to hundreds of species of Birds, Mammals, Invertebrates, Fungi & Lichens.
Woodlands not only absorb huge amounts of carbon dioxide from our atmosphere they are home to hundreds of species of Birds, Mammals, Invertebrates, Fungi & Lichens.